In the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic, we saw a spike in DIY projects around the country. Luckily, when it comes to getting the job done, The Home Depot app is every doer’s most powerful tool. Featuring the app’s Augmented Reality, Barcode Scanner, and Image Search capabilities, this :30 Broadcast TV spot is the highest performing TV spot for The Home Depot to date.
Art Director: Michelle Sensale
Copy Writer: Connor Gleim
Director: Chris Smith
Snapchat filter
When concepting a social extension for our Mobile App campaign, Snapchat’s AR functionality was a natural fit. But rather than pitching your everyday Snap filter, we wanted something that consumers would actually find useful. Something they would actually want to engage with. Truth be told, I regularly use The Home Depot’s AR feature when I’m looking to buy home decor. If you haven’t yet, you should, too.
Calculator Print
Amongst many helpful features in The Home Depot app, the Project Calculators are some of the most useful. Whether you’re just starting a tile project or in the middle of painting your kitchen, these features will tell you exactly how much product you need, whether it be tile, paint, mulch, and so much more.